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Dr. Alissa Mrazek

Alissa is an Assistant Research Professor at the University of Texas at Austin and an expert in attention and mindfulness. Previously she was a postdoctoral researcher at UCSB’s Center for Mindfulness and Human Potential where she helped to develop a school-based program to help young-adults better focus. Along with her brother and sister, she has also published the highly successful book, Presence of Mind: a Practical Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation.

Dr. Alissa Mrazek
Staying Steady Amidst the Storm: The How and Why Behind Mindful Attention Training


We are living in what is arguably the most distracting time in history amid alarming rates of stress and mental illness. Research indicates that mindfulness-based attention training can be a useful tool for addressing these challenges. In this talk, Dr. Mrazek will discuss why training attention is helpful and provide practical tips for how you can cultivate it in your own life.

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